Ministry Stories


The Dock SALT Leadership Class

The Dock Ministries kicked off a new program this year that we are excited about! The Dock SALT Leadership Class...
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Jolene DeHeer

Advent Prayers

Advent is a time of waiting with eager expectation to celebrate the birth of Jesus. As we wait and reflect...
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New Church

Struggled to feel connected

Dominic always struggled to feel connected to a church community. As a person suffering from muscular dystrophy and confined to...
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New Church

Baptizing six new disciples

Last October in the Comunidad Cristiana Internacional CRC, we had the blessing of baptizing six new disciples. We are also...
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Jolene DeHeer

Overcoming Complacency with Prayer of Examen

We used to live in San Diego, California where the weather is basically 75 degrees and sunny every single day....
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Dads Not Forgotten

Although most people acknowledged Father’s Day in June, the men at the Kent County Correctional Facility (KCCF) celebrated in September...
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Until the disabled are ministering

A day of worship with... a pastor with autism... a pastor who is deaf... and a musician who is blind....
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In need of life transformation

Through our ESL and computer classes God continues to bring us people in need of life transformation. Miguel and Henry...
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Established Church

Playing Ping Pong for Jesus

I give my thanks to God because He has given me this wonderful opportunity to reach out to many different...
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Established Church

Claiming our community for Christ

Being a small neighborhood church, one of the things that is most effective in our outreach ministry is having a...
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New Church

“It is just the perfect place to worship”

“It is just the perfect place to worship – close to campus and right in the city, our mission field.”...
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Lori was experiencing housing uncertainty

Lori has been a VIS Friend since 2019. Her needs ranged from furniture, transportation to medical appointments, and friendly calls/cards....
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Fiercely committed to better their own lives

Marriage can be challenging under the best of circumstances, but when spouses speak different languages, those challenges are compounded. The...
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Jolene DeHeer

Practicing the Presence of God

Prayer is one of God’s richest gifts of grace. And like other gifts we receive daily, it is easy to...
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Someone Like You

Willem de Vries New Pastor at Moline CRC

My name is Willem de Vries, new pastor at Moline CRC. I grew up on a fruit farm in southwestern...
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leadership development

Grant Mensonides

What have you discovered in your educational and ministry develop in the last year (2021)? Grant Mensonides is a returning...
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leadership development

Chad Boorsma

What have you discovered in your educational and ministry develop in the last year? Last year I took a preaching...
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Jolene DeHeer

Praying Scriptures

I usually write about prayer in these articles, but I thought I would try something a little different this month...
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Jenn Vander Meer Someone Like You

“You are going to die”

“This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order. Because you are going to die; you will not...
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Someone Like You

Prayers of Comfort for a Grieving Heart

A 31 day Prayer Guide for Seasons of Grief Grief can be a devastating and complicated burden to carry. It...
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I have a strong purpose on earth

“Thank you so much for the dressers and the beds. You are truly a blessing. I've been through so much...
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