Ministry Stories


Kari was in a bad motorcycle accident…

Kari was in a bad motorcycle accident at the beginning of June. She spent 12 days in the ICU with...
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The Dock Ministries announces partnership with Camp Michawana

The Dock Ministries, a faith-based after-school program dedicated to nurturing the spiritual and personal growth of young people, is delighted...
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New Church

God has been working…

God has been working tremendously through growth in understanding what it means to have faith. Several of those who attend...
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Jabez Ministries

Leaves From A Disabled Pastors Notebook Reflections about God and grace from Jabez Ministries April-May 2024 Hello! This is the...
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New Church

Campus Ministry @ Grand Rapids

Each week, we prepare for the upcoming Sunday night worship gathering ("the Well") with a team of student leaders and...
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70×7 Life Recovery

“You have no idea how much this means. I’m just going to get in my car and cry.” As a...
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Theological Book Network

Theological Book Network has shipped out several containers of theological books January through March 2024. 46 schools in South India...
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This is Clarice…

This is Clarice. Each week, Clarice invests in our Dock students by sharing both her artistic talents and her faith....
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VIS blessing Becky and her family

Becky* and her six children were Blessed to experience an overflow of God's love through YOU, our VIS supporters, this...
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Established Church

Outreach Christmas Party

Each year during the holiday season, Community church and Cascade Fellowship CRC partner together for our annual Outreach Christmas party....
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Prayers, Purpose & Pajamas

“Thank you SO much!” “This really means a lot to us right now.” “I wanted to get my all my...
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vis resources

Interested in serving with Volunteers In Service?

Opportunities to Serve: VIS receives many calls daily that translate into opportunities to witness Christ's love through service in the...
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Volunteers In Service

"Margie" lives alone and is not able to easily get out. During COVID, VIS began a cards and calls ministry...
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New Church

Comunidad Cristiana Internacional

Our end-of-year worship and spiritual journey have been profound. Through uplifting services, heartfelt prayers, and meaningful gatherings, our community has...
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New Church

Campus Ministry at Grand Rapids

Hanna (the middle student in the photo) joined Campus Ministry in Grand Rapids nearly two years ago and she graduates...
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The Dock Ministries serves a hurting generation

The Dock Ministries serves a hurting generation. This school year, we have been privileged to minister to over 200 students,...
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George Vink

A Transition…

You may have seen it on Television or in a Civil War movie. The officer stands erect while another authority...
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70×7 Life Recovery

Anthony was mandated to come 70x7 Life Recovery by Cherry Health’s Community Alternatives Program, a federal halfway house. As is...
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New Church

…the closing blessing

One of the things we have started in worship at City Hope GR is inviting each other to share the...
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New Church

Campus Ministry at Grand Rapids

Leaders go and leaders come. One of the hardest and most rewarding parts of working in college ministry is that...
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The Dock Ministries

With the start of this current school year, The Dock Ministries set sail for another wonderful year of ministry to...
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