Ministry Stories

Natalie Hart

I wonder what God imagines for you.

Today we’re going to talk about one of my favorite Bible verses, but first, we’re going to talk about this....
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Church Leaders are Gathering Soon

Please pray for our church leaders as they meet on Thursday, January 16. They will gather at First Cutlerville CRC ...
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Personal Preparation for Prayer | Mary Swierenga

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Stan Mast

Joy in the Church? (part one)

For some people the title of this blog sounds like an oxymoron. Like jumbo shrimp, open secret, living dead, joy...
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Jolene DeHeer


Here we are.  A brand new year stretches before us as an adventure waiting to happen.  The possibilities that are...
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Natalie Hart

For When You Enter The Darkness

And Moses entered into the deep darkness where God was. (Exodus 20:21, NLT) In the few months before this moment,...
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Jolene DeHeer


The wait is over. Today is the day after Christmas and all of the excitement and anticipation that has been...
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Rick Theule

He Still Came

He knew the incredible sacrifice that would be necessary in order to grant his Amazing Grace. And he still came....
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Daniel Bud

Christmas in Communist Romania

How does a church celebrate Christmas when the government is officially atheistic? When Christians are persecuted and treated as second-class...
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Bernita Tuinenga

It’s All About the Heart

What can I give him, poor as I am. If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb. If...
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Natalie Hart

A Great Light

I am greedy. When it comes to Isaiah 9:2, I want to use ALL the translations, because I want all...
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Bernita Tuinenga

I am thankful for deacons

“In that wonderful day you will sing: ‘Thank the LORD! Praise his name! Tell the world what he has done....
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Daniel Bud

Missional reading of the Bible – NT Wright

The church is founded on the word of the Bible, and the mission of the church is central in the...
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Natalie Hart

We’re All Struggling Children

I am gaining new appreciation for how painful it is to be my heavenly parent. The vast majority of the...
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Jolene DeHeer

Mountains and Valleys

I have a beautiful memory of a trip to Colorado.  The snow was falling as I landed in Denver and...
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Daniel Bud

Promoting Christian Education for the Chinese Youth

Partners in Learning Across Cultures (PLAC) is an organization connected to Hillside Church and founded in 2004 by John and...
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Natalie Hart

I want to be more like Nebuchadnezzar

I’m almost at the end of the Old Testament, which means that I’ve been wallowing in the prophets for a...
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Natalie Hart

Flipping the servant worship switch

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Natalie Hart

Wait a minute, who’s on trial?

The muttering started as soon as they broke camp. No. Moses had to admit that it started as soon as...
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Bernita Tuinenga

Reflections of the Leadership Training Event 2013!

(Leadership Training Event is an annual training for ministry leaders hosted by Volunteers In Service and CR Home Missions) The...
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Jolene DeHeer

In His Presence, Joy Comes

For the last few weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking about joy, happiness, and sadness.  A godly...
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