Ministry Stories

Daniel Bud

Three logistic updates to Alpha

Alpha is an evangelistic tool used by many churches worldwide.  This year marks two decades since making Alpha an outreach...
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Natalie Hart

Sometimes I want to break up with the Bible

So I’ve been participating in these Five Minute Friday posts (prompted by Lisa-Jo Baker), and today’s word is broken. I...
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Bernita Tuinenga

The Importance of Relationships

Recently I was blessed by a drop-in visit from a very dear couple who has volunteered for VIS for many...
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Daniel Bud

Impact Burundi

Libere Dusabe was born in 1973 as the sixth child of a Christian family living in one of the villages...
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Ron Kool

How Do You Control Someone (part II)

Middle East Travels (V) Last time I wrote about a problem that the Roman and Greek Empires had. It was...
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Ron Kool

How Do You Control Someone?

Middle East Travels (IV) We may not think of it as a problem, but the Roman Empire had a problem....
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Jolene DeHeer

Nothing is Wasted

I just love getting a surprise gift – especially if it comes on a non-designated gift-giving occasion.  And I’m not just...
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Jolene DeHeer

Two Gardens

I can’t believe I’m writing a blog about gardens because I am the absolute worst gardener – ever.  I’ve never...
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Natalie Hart

And Yet

Yet. Such a tiny word that can do such heavy lifting. The power of “yet” to change our minds —...
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Daniel Bud

Hide when tempted to show

I was a teenager when a church in my hometown decided to have an adult baptism outdoors in the river...
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Natalie Hart

The Court of Heaven vs Me

It was a typical morning in heaven. An angel choir sang at dawn. It being heaven, that was lovely, and...
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Natalie Hart

Hearing Their Story

According to this great TED talk by Andrew Stanton (of Toy Story and WALL-E fame), Mr. Rogers carried this quote...
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Jolene DeHeer

Fan or Follower

I love to read!  Few things give me as much pleasure as a good book in my hands and a...
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Daniel Bud

Show When Tempted To Hide

Penn Jillette, from the Celebrity Apprentice show, atheist illusionist and comedian in LasVegas, made the following statement: "I don't respect...
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Ron Kool

Middle East Travels (III)

Something that I found very interesting as I was preparing for my trip to Jordan, Israel and Egypt was the...
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Ron Kool

Love is Amazing

It really is. Love is amazing. God’s love is over the top. He loves us when we are unlovable. He...
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Natalie Hart

Being the Problem

Some time back, I was freelance editing this book: A Practical Guide for Life and Ministry: Overcoming 7 Challenges Pastors...
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Ron Kool

Middle East Travels (II)

I recently spent two weeks in the Middle East: Jordan, Israel and Egypt. Last time I wrote about the plane...
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Jolene DeHeer

Grace and Power

I am certain there are those of you who don’t mind waking up early.  You may even enjoy it.  I...
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Daniel Bud

Homosexuality and the Christian Reformed Church

The Synod of the Christian Reformed Church in North America was in session last week, and there was  one evening...
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Ron Kool

Middle East Travels (1)

I recently spent two weeks in Jordan, Israel and Egypt—two wonderful weeks. The trip has given me quite a bit...
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