Ministry Stories

Natalie Hart

Wonderful: Holy Laughter

I don’t always appreciate puns, but I love this book title: Between Heaven and Mirth. Appropriately, given the title, it’s about...
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Natalie Hart

Wondering: Realism and Faith

In my second year of college, I went on a January term off-campus study program to the Institute for Christian...
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Stan Mast

Joy in the Church? (part two)

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Stan Mast

Joy of the Church…What’s missing? (part three)

In Acts 2, the early church is described this way. “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the...
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Stan Mast

Joy in the Church…What’s missing? (part four)

“They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.”...
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Stan Mast

Joy in the Church…What’s missing? (part five)

“They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.”...
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Stan Mast

Joy in the Church…A couple of challenges (part six)

This is my last post on joy in the church…at least for right now. Maybe if I visit too many...
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Prayer Ron Kool

Praying In Public Places

I’ve got a brother-in-law who, at least for a time, didn’t pray when he went out to eat in a...
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Natalie Hart

Strange Bedfellows

Last week, my family and I went on a crazy trip to New York City — crazy because we drove...
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Natalie Hart

Allowing Yourself to Be Seen

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about loving those moments in a novel when a character is seen, truly...
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Ron Kool

Try to Explain God

I was reminded of this “oldie but goodie.” I’m not sure if the story behind it is correct, but it...
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Ron Kool


Some of us can remember what used to be called a “Preparatory Service.” On the Sunday before we would share...
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Ron Kool

Covenant (part 2)

A Surprising Confession I have to admit that I was surprised when she said it. “I have to tell you...
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