Ministry Stories

Natalie Hart

Humbling: My Inner Pharisee

Ten years ago, the church women’s group I went to studied a book called 12 Steps for the Recovering Pharisee...
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Jolene DeHeer

More Than These, Peter

What character of the Bible do you identify with the most?  For me it is Peter.  I have been told...
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Daniel Bud


Sunday, May 19, we celebrated Pentecost in our Western churches. Why do we call it Pentecost? Well, it seems that...
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Daniel Bud

Mourn with those who mourn

Recently, Hillside Church had the opportunity to mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). God opened for us the opportunity...
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Daniel Bud

Water damage

Our classis meeting on May 16, 2013, Classis Grand Rapids South was called to announce a request for financial assistance...
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Natalie Hart

Failure to be Grateful For

My friend, Chris Robertson, who works at the Acton Institute, posted this line on Facebook this morning: “Our greatest fear...
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Daniel Bud

Celebrating Easter Twice

A friend of mine living in West Michigan celebrated Easter twice this year.  The first celebration was in his church,...
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Daniel Bud

The Social Unity of the CRC

The first CRCNA Prayer Summit in 2012 reiterated few critical factors for a spiritually healthy church.  Every blessing the churches...
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Natalie Hart

How Email is Saving My Marriage

Okay, that heading exaggerates. But kind of not. Those of you who’ve been in a relationship of fairly significant duration...
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Jolene DeHeer

Do Over

Have you ever done some “bone head” thing you would love to undo, or take back?  I call these times...
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Jolene DeHeer

Hope and Wait

I love living in Michigan.  I love the trees, the lake and I especially love the people.  I even love...
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Daniel Bud

Am I a control freak?

Shelley Prevost gives 8 signs "you are a control freak."    For her, control freaks believe that they are helping...
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Natalie Hart

Being Seen: Divine Edition

A while back, I wrote about Allowing Yourself to be Seen. This post was about “seeing” between people, but this...
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Daniel Bud

Britain’s Iron Lady died at 87

The death certificate of Mrs. Margaret Thatcher lists her occupation as 'retired stateswoman.' As the only female prime minister, Mrs....
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Daniel Bud

To Change Britain

Mrs. Thatcher came to the top of political power in England in 1979, and the day she became prime minister...
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Jolene DeHeer

Hearts Desire

What is your heart’s desire?  What do you want more than anything?  There are probably many things that come to...
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Jolene DeHeer


If you have ever seen “Oliver Twist” performed, you probably remember the heart-wrenching scene where Oliver holds out his gruel...
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Daniel Bud

Autonomous Church

Since we begin to see Classis Grand Rapids South in terms of gathering about 10,000 people in about 18 autonomous...
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Natalie Hart

Wonderful: Holy Laughter

I don’t always appreciate puns, but I love this book title: Between Heaven and Mirth. Appropriately, given the title, it’s about...
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Natalie Hart

Wondering: Realism and Faith

In my second year of college, I went on a January term off-campus study program to the Institute for Christian...
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Stan Mast

Joy in the Church? (part two)

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