
Featured image for “Cancer”

On March 2 we celebrated the 3rd birthday of our youngest grandson. We are so grateful for his life and are reminded of the goodness of God. Shortly after our daughter in-law Kim found out she was expecting this little one, she discovered a lump in her throat. After some inconclusive tests, and much prayer, it was determined that Kim would have surgery to remove her thyroid when she was 20 weeks along.

This was hard news to swallow.

We all struggled with overwhelming fear for both Kim and this new life, but we knew Who we needed to turn to. Promises in God’s word were claimed for Kim and the baby and  many prayers were lifted to God on their behalf. At times, fear wanted to strangle us and hold us captive but God would send His peace as we would pray.

During this time, Steve and Kim and their kids experienced the love of God through His body of believers. Their church family and their Christian school family faithfully prayed for them, brought them meals, and helped with child care when Kim ran out of energy. This outpouring of love and care was such a blessing to their immediate and extended family.

Kim did have half of her thyroid removed when she was 20 weeks along and everything went well for her and the baby. When the tests results came back it showed that she had thyroid cancer.

Again hard news to swallow but God in His mercy and grace carried us all through the remainder of this pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby boy.

About 5 weeks after our grandson was born Kim had surgery to remove the rest of the thyroid and this tissue was also found to be cancerous. Three weeks after her second surgery Kim had a radio-active iodine treatment which was to destroy any remaining thyroid tissue in her body.  After this treatment she needed to be away from her family for 5 days. Russ and I had the privilege of caring for our 4 grandkids during this time. Again God supplied what we needed through His body, the church. For almost a year Steve  and Kim and their family’s lives were anything but normal but through it all God walked with us every step of the way.

When this little boy was 17 months old, some of Kim’s routine blood work was elevating so her new Doctor ordered some additional testing.  It was determined that Kim’s thyroid cancer had returned or possibly some thyroid tissue had remained. This was not news any of us wanted to hear but God showered our fear with His peace. God again provided comfort through His Word and help through His body of believers. In August of 2012 Kim had 31 lymph nodes removed from the left side of her neck and 10 of these where positive for thyroid cancer. She needed to wait 6 weeks after this surgery before she could have the radio-active iodine and then she needed to be away from her family for 7 days. Today Kim is doing well and enjoying the family God has given to her and Steve.

Through this experience I have learned that God is Sovereign and He is in control.

Nothing happens by chance. Life is precious and should not to be taken for granted. Daily I thank God for the gift of each of my family members. God can be trusted to care for those we love. He loves them more than we do and has plans for every day He gives to each of us. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:11-14. None of us know what will happen to us or those we love, but we can have complete confidence in our God who has planned every one of our days.

  1. Thank you for sharing this story. I love your image of God showering your fear with peace; I imagine a good, thorough, soaking warm rain. I pray that every little seed of cancer in your daughter-in-law’s body has been thoroughly destroyed.

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