One of the things our Outreach Ministry does is connect with visitors and make them feel welcomed when they come to Sunday services, as well as getting to know them so we can plug them in to ministries/people/events that will help and encourage them to grow in their faith walk.
About a month ago, a man came to service and while chatting with him I learned that he grew up in the neighborhood and attended our church and youth groups as a child/teen.
He has since fallen on hard times, and is currently homeless and living in his car. He has also struggled with addiction and is separated from his family due to some of those issues.
My husband is also part of the outreach team, and one of the ministries we are involved in is a class thru Teen Challenge that meets with those who are struggling with any type of life addictions, and in the 4 years we’ve supported this ministry we have seen God move and change many hearts and lives.
We invited him to join us, and he has since been a regular in the class and last week even brought a friend – Praise God!!
He has attended worship services quite regularly, even bringing his son with him for the first time as well.
We are excited and encouraged at the opportunities for outreach that God continues to bring our way in our own church neighborhood!!
Submitted by Robin Claussen – Community Christian Reformed Church Outreach Ministry Coordinator
Established Church Ministry Report