Many years ago, a young unmarried couple were considering what to do about an unwanted pregnancy. To keep the child would be an embarrassment…but God extended grace and the child was born.
Not knowing how to handle the shame they felt about the child, they chose to focus on the children they had after their marriage and ignored the lonely little girl…but God extended grace so every time the little girl was outside in nature, she sensed a loving presence around her and she felt safe.
The little girl had no opportunity to learn about who this “presence” was as church was not a part of the family lifestyle…but God extended grace and the little girl was given a Gideon Bible at school.
The little girl had no idea what it meant to be accepted or loved as she was mostly ignored by family and peers…but God extended grace and never left her side even when her loneliness overwhelmed her.
Jump forward to college – in one day, the girl is abandoned and rejected by every friend and family member she knows. In her desperate despair, she attempts suicide…but God extended grace and that night she met Jesus Christ and asked Him to be her Lord and Savior. Finally, she knew who the presence was and what it was to be loved and accepted. Instead of dying, she will now live forever.
This baby Christian young women began to seek a Christian mate….and God extended grace and brought into her life an amazing, godly man who asked her to be his wife.
The young couple want to start a family, but they are soon grieving the loss of twelve miscarriages…but God extended grace and they were able to give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
The young mom is in total shock as she drives home from the hospital where the doctor has just told her they cannot save her husband. As she walks into the house the phone rings and the caller informed her that her son has been hit by a car…but God extended grace and healed them both.
The couple is devastated as a trusted business partner steals all the money from the company and moves to Mexico leaving them to pay all debts. They lose everything…but God extended grace and provides a job at Calvin College for the husband.
God’s grace abounds as their son marries a beautiful, godly woman and give birth to two little girls. They find a church home to support and bless them. All is good.
Then the three-year battle with pulmonary fibrosis begins for her husband and the old woman sits by her husband’s hospital bed as he says, “He’s really here!”…and God extends grace to take him home.
That’s my story of grace. I am old now with few years left, but I KNOW they, too will be filled with God’s grace!! And the good news is: There is enough grace for you, too!!