“This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order. Because you are going to die; you will not recover” 2 Kings 1b
Were I to be told that I was going to die by the will of God, I would probably freak out. What do you think you would do if you were told by a prophet that the LORD told you to put your affairs in order?
Let’s read 2 Kings 2 and 3: “Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD “remember LORD how I have walked before you faithfully and with whole-hearted devotion and have done what is good in Your eyes” And he wept ‘bitterly’.
What would I ever do in this situation I keep asking myself…
I would turn to God in prayer.
Thru life, I have been finding it easier to pray for the little things, prayers of thankfulness and gratitude and prayers of sadness where I cry my heart out in the middle of a song that is playing on the radio, praying when I am in a conversation with someone else who might be asking for help without asking for help – this is something that I have had to practice and continue to learn and grow in everyday and with the help and grace of Jesus.
Now, this chapter in 2 Kings is about to get crazy, the LORD tells the prophet Isaiah to go back to Hezekiah after his prayer to tell him that he now has 15 EXTRA YEARS to live his life… what a rollercoaster of emotions that Hezekiah had to be feeling, and I can’t imagine what Isaiah was feeling also.
The LORD said “I have heard your prayer and seen your tears: I will heal you”.
How awesome is the power of prayer?
Like seriously, amazing, but I also have to wonder: does God not answer our prayers if it is not according to His will for us?
Honestly I have no answer, but it is a question I find myself hearing from others and I truly believe that He hears our prayers, but the timing might not be right, and that’s okay, and we need to become okay with that reality!
A quick side note:
I have had many instances where I have had prayers answered almost immediately, and I could not be more thankful that they were answered in a timely manner, but a prayer that has been on my mind lately is one that I said while I was on a walk…
I was going thru a rough patch and needed to go for a walk for my mental health and thought to myself ‘it’d would be so cool to see some deer’ then I prayed right there and said “God, it’d be pretty cool if I could see some deer on this walk” and not more than 45 seconds went by and I saw a mama deer and her twin fawns… then 2 more deer, then 3 more deer, I ended up seeing TWELVE deer on that 1.5 mile walk, how awesome is our God that He showed Himself to me though a simple prayer and in a moment of need?
I read this chapter of 2 Kings and was reminded that having faith as small as a mustard seed can go a long way if we only pray about it.
Stay neugi,
Jenn Vander Meer
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