Having started in July has led to a busy and full first semester of ministry. On Halloween, we hosted our 2nd annual Trunk or Treat event. Due to cold and less than ideal weather, we decided to move the event into our gym. This was a great opportunity to bring community people into our church, who never really darken the doors of our church.
We had approximately 16 tables decorated in various themes. Each table handed out gifts such as candy, toys, and books. Additionally, we reached out to Grand River Prep High School with whom we share a parking lot. We were honored that they agreed to have a table and hand out candy, promotional products and toys.
This community event was a huge success. Over the course of the night, we had over 325 people from the neighborhood [dressed up parents and kids] visiting our decorated tables, and sitting down at tables to enjoy a break from the cold, fellowship, donuts, cider, and popcorn. We had community members just hang out, and enjoy the space with their families. We intentionally had a content rotator going in the gym, projecting the programs and events of the church, so that visitors could learn about our church.
We also had a welcome center where people were invited to sign up with their email, to received a welcome letter from the church. Hosting this community event is part of a strategy to become a safe and welcoming place.
We celebrate that we had twice as many people enter our doors as we had last year. We are continuing to think about how to create opportunities to move this event, beyond friendly engagement with the community towards creating opportunities for relationships and engagement with our neighbors.
Jesus great commission [Matt 28] is “making disciples who make disciples,” and our discipleship path is about inviting everyone to “love God, love others, and love the world.” Our new Next Steps Center, is about clarifying for everyone, members and visitors, how they can plug in and take the next step in our discipleship along this path.
This Next Step Center, which is our goal for a central-hub for engagement, is a work in progress. Our goal for next Semester is that our website, our online presence through social media and various digital marketing channels, and our online registration forms all work together to create a clear and simple process for engagement and movement in our discipleship as followers of Jesus.
Thank you for your support as we lean into living missionally. We are excited to join God in what He is doing through Kelloggsville.
Jonathan Norder
Kelloggsville Church>Community Engagement.