Vacation Bible School

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We always start off the summer with our Bible School and we’re gonna have great week. We’re going to talk about weird animals and how ‘weird’ is not a bad word.  It’s unique, it’s different and one of a kind.  Like Jesus’s love: one of a kind.  We’ve been doing outreach in this community for a long time.  Most of our GEMS, Cadets and young people are from the neighborhood.  We don’t have a lot of kids in our church.  Its middle class, working people here that move very easily from place to place.  But this neighborhood has survived so many things already…and now we’re seeing a lot of younger families in here with little kids before the age of Bible School so we have a lot of hope for the future at Ideal Park.

  1. Wow, what a summer it was. Ideal Park CRC includes many of these wonderful people, each designed by God for his purpose. Jesus is the center of it all. You are invited to join us any Sunday at either 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. We will find something for you to do for God’s glory.

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