Recruit students and their families that are a year or more behind in reading from Cesar Chavez and The Potters House Schools. Explain ministry to them and ask them to commit to attendance and parent meetings. Recruit and train volunteers from colleges and churches. Programming started in October. Successful parent nights and Family Christmas Party held, with 90% parent attendance. Students are making good progress, on target for improving up to 2 or 3 grade levels of reading this year.
Encouraging Story:
At out Family Christmas Party on December 15, a single mother broke down and cried, saying how much she appreciated not only the help that her son was getting, but the support and community she felt from the staff of Schools of Hope and the other parents. She said she felt for the first time like she wasn’t alone, and that, having no previous support from her family, had found a support system for the first time. Many parents came around her to hug her and we prayed together.