Each year during the holiday season, Community church and Cascade Fellowship CRC partner together for our annual Outreach Christmas party. We prayerfully consider 5-6 families we would like to bless in a special way, and we invite them to church for a fun afternoon of food, fellowship, games, and gifts. Many of our neighborhood outreach families are high needs, low income, and on the fringes; they are searching for a place to feel cared for, supported, and loved.
We hope to be that place for them; meeting those needs is at the very center of outreach, and our volunteers from both Community and Cascade CRC have such a generous heart for this ministry. I’m so thankful for everyone who put so much thought and planning into making the day special for all the families who attended, and especially for the little ones who were so excited!! The families were received with joyful anticipation by every volunteer there, and we all had such a wonderful time making connections, building relationships, and having fun together.
The holiday season can be a huge source of worry and strain for many of our outreach families, and sometimes they just have a hard time even providing the essentials such as winter coats, boots, etc. With the wonderful help of our sister church, we were able to give so generously to these little ones to make their holiday a little brighter, and also ease some of the financial strains for the parents. They were so grateful, and so many of them told me later how loved and blessed and cared for they felt by everyone.
Although the holidays have passed, we continue to reach out and work toward building a stronger relationship with these families. We want them to know that they are loved and cared for by Jesus in EVERY season. Thankful for our outreach team and volunteers who continue to serve with love anyone God brings our way!!