Moses came to us after attending another school where he was not accepted because “he was so different.” As a kindergartener, he would hide underneath a table when it was time for recess because he did not want to endure the harsh behavior (bullying) of the other children. We have watched Moses thrive at Bethel!!!
All of our students are students who did not and could not survive in a traditional classroom setting. Each student is created uniquely in the eyes of God and is treated uniquely!! Each day at Bethel Community Education, we have a front row seat to witness God’s children finding joy and wonder in their learning. Our mission – to empower learners to use their God-given talents to join in Christ’s work – has become a reality.
These are a few responses from students when asked, “What do you love about Bethel?”
- ”I love how we learn about God through studying the Bible. We gather around the table and read God’s
word together, reflect on it alone and then with one another.” - We learn how to solve problems.”
- I get to grow and learn while loving school.”
Description of Ministry
We serve learners and have an impact not just on them, but on their families lives as well. Hear from just a few of our parents:
- “Beautiful Blessing.”
- “I don’t know what to do with my mornings anymore. Before Bethel, our mornings were filled with tears and tantrums because of my son not wanting to go to school. We don’t experience that anymore thanks to Bethel.”
- “We couldn’t be more excited about the school year for [our 4th grade daughter] and more importantly, she has never been this excited for school! She was GLOWING before and after school today. So many fun blessings ahead.”
I think these comments say it all! These are students who were not accepted in the traditional classroom environment, because of their racial differences and ability to learn. All children are accepted at Bethel Community Education, no matter what differences.
We have a passion to create a Christ-like community that is not homogeneous; rather, one that is filled with all skin colors, races, and backgrounds. We’ve intentionally sought out leaders in the black community to be a voice for our mission and vision.
Submitted by Sandi Nicely
Winter Ministry Report