Our Adult and Youth Alpha ministries are designed to give people who have questions about faith and God a safe, healthy, and helpful place to ask those questions. My responsibility as leader is to recruit volunteers, provide training for volunteers, handle all the details such as scheduling, retreat planning, food, and hospitality, act as the Host at each Alpha session, and then follow up with participant and volunteer surveys when the sessions are complete.
After our Fall adult Alpha session we went out on a limb and in the space of a few weeks put together a Youth Alpha session that began February 18 and will conclude May 6. We were astounded when we connected with 27 middle and high school age students (75% of which did not have a previous connection with MCC). We are averaging about 20 students per week. The energy and impact have been beyond our expectations. This story is not for publishing but I can share it with you all. One of the students who attends our Youth Alpha had run into trouble at school. The principal had insisted he go to a therapist. The student, having heard of Youth Alpha, bargained for MCC’s Youth Alpha to meet that demand. I got a call from his father after out 6th session, this young man now wants to make a profession of faith in his church. His father could bot believe it. Hallelujah, Come Holy Spirit!
Thank you so much for providing support for this ministry. Following our Adult Alpha 4 people reported (by survey) that they became believers during Alpha. We have not surveyed our Youth Alpha participants yet but I can not wait to hear what they have to say. We could not do this without your support. On a good Sunday MCC worships with 120-130 people, we are seeking to be a place where God adds to that number daily those being saved.