Leadership Development Ministry
The Leadership Development Ministry of our classis provides support to students who are seeking to enter full-time ministry.
A letter to potential leadership development recipients.
Dear Student,
On behalf of the Classis Leadership Ministry Team [CLMT], I’d like to welcome you to Classis Grand Rapids South! We are so excited to be able to walk with you and support your leadership development as you discern how God is calling you to serve in his Kingdom.
Deadline to apply or reapply is Jan 15th.
As you prepare the following application, please be aware that our total annual grant budget is limited. We ask that you pray about your application and discern how we can help you, while also considering how your need compares to others who are applying.
Essay portion of the application: We recommend that you write out the following essays before you start the application and then copy and paste into appropriate fields:
1. Share your Christian testimony and why you are seeking to enter ministry leadership.
2. Share how a relationship you built with another person (preferably not an immediate family member) opened a door of opportunity for you, in any aspect of your life – vocational, academic, experiential, etc.
3. How are you currently working to build authentic relationships with people who may serve as references or points of contact in your future career in ministry?
Also be sure to send to your Church Council Chair the following link: https://onefaithmanyfaces.org/church-council-recommendation/

Most Recent
Leadership Development Recipients
Ministry Team Members
The CLMT consists of Tricia Bosma (chair), Kristy Manion, Dan Ziegler, Martin Benckhuysen, Paul Sausser (Stated Clerk) and Brenda Bosch (Treasurer.)
Our Yearly Schedule
October 1
Announcement about applications due at Classis. Letters/emails sent out to churches in Classis Grand Rapid South. Current students are contacted inviting them to reapply.
December 15
Email to current students and prospective students about application deadline.
January 15
Applications Due.
February 1
Students contacted for interviews. Committee meets to determine aid distribution. Email sent to Classis Interim Committee on aid distribution.
CLMT makes proposal at classis leadership gathering. Students are invited to Classis for introductions and prayer. Students are informed of award totals.
Check in with students.
October 15
Students invited to classis leadership gathering to offer updates and receive prayer.