“Thank you so much for the dressers and the beds. You are truly a blessing.
I’ve been through so much this year and the past three years having been in the ICU seven times due to strokes, heart attacks, pneumonia, upper respiratory infections, and then COVID. Yet God’s still allows me to be here. I believe I have a strong purpose on earth and that my lack of other things is only an attack of the devil.
God has chosen people like you and your ministry to assist me in positive ways. I thank God for VIS and the volunteers every day.
When I received the furniture, I also received two Bibles and I gave them to my neighbor, one for her and one for her husband. She said it was a great blessing and she was not expecting it. She was praying the other night and asking God what she should do about some of the issues in her relationship with her husband and children and then today she received the Bibles. She is sure that was God’s answer to her prayer, that they should pray together and stay together, study the Word and seek his face with their whole heart.
I was so grateful to have been able to touch their lives through the help of you guys giving us Bibles. God bless you and the organization, bless the labor that it takes to run the service you run for those who are in need.
I ask God to give Volunteers In Service prosperity beyond your wildest imaginations. I love you guys and once again thank you so very much for truly blessing me and my neighbors.”
Sent by a VIS friend who was served by church volunteers
Submitted by Bernita Tuinenga
Diaconal Ministry Report