Bob and Judy Otte
This lovely couple love to reminisce about the about the day that they got married in the old chapel of La Grave Christian Reformed Church in Downtown Grand Rapids in the year of 1962. Judy, an Elder at La Grave, and her husband former Elder, Bob couldn’t help but laugh at the question of “What would you tell your 16 year old self?” Judy wouldn’t have changed a thing, while Bob states that “there are hurdles that everyone faces, you learn the hard way that you cannot go thru them, but you need to put your trust in [God] in order to get over the hurdles life throws at you, and know that God is always with you”.
The book readers love to explore the things God has put out for us to discover, such as going on a Lewis and Clark adventure that explores the trails and routes that the explorers had taken centuries ago. Well knowing that the couple were meant to be at La Grave, God has provided them with many opportunities such as Prison ministries, being Elders of the church and especially being grandparents to “the greatest grandchildren ever”.
When I asked who their role models were, they both agreed that God is the number One Role Model in their lives. Judy says she wouldn’t be anywhere if it weren’t for her parents and her granddad. Bob talks about the Sunday school teachers and how they made a big impact in his life, along with his father, who helped shape him into that man he is today.