Written by George Vink (Regional Pastor)
Try imagining it—just for moment! You broke your leg twelve years ago, and it’s still not healing. You’ve had new casts put on and surgery done. But, the doctor says it’s not healed yet. Twelve years is a long time to have a hurting leg. Twelve years is a long time to be sick. Twelve years is a long time to go to one doctor after another and still have a broken bone, or be bleeding. I’d feel desperate and ready to do anything to make it heal, go away or get better.
Doctor Luke had helped lots of people who had broken bones or bleeding wounds. Some got better. But, some also were filled with despair, and gave up hope for healing! Luke knew Jesus healed people, calmed storms and chased away demons. He knew the Jesus who was born in a stable was able to do what others could not do. In the gospel, Dr. Luke wrote about Jesus’ miraculous birth in Bethlehem and the angel choir announcing his coming. Luke 2’s message is now world-known. Later in Luke 8, he wrote about a desperate women who had a bleeding condition. In fear and in faith, she reached out and touched Jesus, the adult. And, to her, his coming made all the difference! His compassion led to an immediate healing—no more bleeding! Her confidence, her faith in Jesus made all the difference.
Christ’s coming as we await his second still makes a difference.
It’s with the confidence of his ability to heal desperate and long-lasting conditions that believers unite as a Classis to do ministry. With confidence in Christ’s compassion, we do ministry, whether in a church building on LaGrave, a storefront on Division, or a warehouse on 72nd. Some experience hope and healing immediately. Others may need more visits, more nurturing, more patient walking alongside. As we do so, we need his compassion as he sends us out, “My son, my daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace!”
Wherever we’ve been, whatever healing we’ve experienced, we have hope for our future as we rejoice in his coming. We are confident we’re his as a classis, belonging to him in life and in death. And, we’re assured of his compassion as we claim the promise, “…surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”
Wherever we’ve been, whatever healing we’ve experienced, we have hope for our future as we rejoice in his coming. We are confident we’re his as a classis, belonging to him in life and in death.
And, we’re assured of his compassion as we claim the promise, “…surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”