Youth Minister at Discovery Church (Part Time)
This ministry position helps fulfill Discovery’s mission by directing Discovery’s youth programs and planning youth group events for middle and high school students. The Youth Minister will work closely with a team of staff and youth mentors, engage students in meaningful ways, promote students’ organic faith formation, ensure that teaching is grounded in Reformed theology, and follow Safe Church guidelines.
See full job description below.
You can also visit https://discoverycrc.com to learn more about our church community and values.
How to Apply: If this opportunity sounds like a good fit, please email your cover letter, resume and references to apply.discoverycrc@gmail.com by Monday, April 12.
Purpose Statement:
This ministry position helps fulfill Discovery’s mission by building up disciples, sharing the good news of holistic redemption in Jesus Christ, and helping prepare High School and Middle School youth to be kingdom co-workers with God in God’s world.
At Discovery CRC, we join the Holy Spirit’s work to invest in God’s people and our neighbors so that we become, personally and communally, the church which looks more and more like Jesus. We are seeking a Youth Director to help guide Middle School and High School students in their walk with Jesus.
- Primary responsibilities: directing and leading the groups.
- Provide primary teaching at regularly scheduled meetings at least 2 times per month.
- Facilitate spiritual conversations individually with youth and between youth.
- Responsible for planning all youth meetings and social activities in a four month calendar. Connecting with other churches for large groups events is possible.
- Invest in the spiritual lives of those within and outside of Discovery Church who attend the youth ministry.
- Plan and lead at least one weekend retreat per year for the youth.
- Plan and promote youth short-term mission trips and service project activities. The Director will be compensated for extra hours spent on such trips that are approved by the Elders.
- Secondary responsibilities: recruit for the groups, and communication.
- Recruit and lead a team of leaders for small group and large group needs; provide supervision, resources, and encouragement to all youth leaders.
- Recruit, train, and follow-up with youth mentors [see: Discovery Church Safe Church].
- Recruit the youth to participate in the life of the church, in outreach, and service opportunities.
- Communicate effectively in various forms of communication and social media with the youth, their parents, and congregation.
- Participate in related professional development opportunities (compensation will be provided).
- Identify, follow-up with, engage and recruit ministry-age youth in our church neighborhood and guests to our worship services.
- Administrative responsibilities.
- Adhere to the Discovery Church Safe Church policy.
- Meet with the Pastor for discussion, encouragement, and prayer typically twice a month.
- Meet with staff for staff meetings.
- Submit a weekly log of hours served in ministry areas to Pastor and Supervisory Elder.
- Assist and participate with other church events and efforts.
The candidate…
- Is innovative, visionary, and self-starting in finding and implementing effective ways to engage ministry-age youth of the church and of the church neighborhood to encourage their faith formation.
- Demonstrates a mature and growing faith in Jesus Christ, models the life of a Jesus follower, and has a basic understanding and agreement with Reformed theology.
- Is passionate about worship, prayer, biblical study, and the life of the church.
- Possesses a love and respect for young people, enthusiasm for their lives, and desires to be in relationship with them.
- Cares and listens effectively.
- Meets youth where they are and helps them continue to develop and strengthen a genuine walk with Christ.
- Encourages people to accept the differences in others and be in genuine relationship with others.
Hours and Compensation:
- Hours worked: 18-20 weekly to be logged; subject to increase with increased youth population.
- Weeks paid: 50 per year
- Reasonable expenses and mileage will be reimbursed when accompanied with receipts.
- Activities such as extended service projects, overnight retreats, etc. which are beyond weekly expectations will be compensated over and above weekly hours when approved by the Elders prior to the event.
- Typically, hourly compensation will be reviewed annually with mutual agreement following an evaluation in the fall; subject to congregational budget approval. Compensation is commensurate with education, training, and experience, and is currently budgeted between $16 to $21 per hour.