Hillside Community Church in Grand Rapids is hiring a full time Director of Worship & Arts!
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Send all inquiries and resumes to apasma@hillsidegr.org
MINISTRY TITLE: Director of Worship & Arts
Ministry Purpose: The Director of Worship & Arts is responsible for planning, implementing, evaluating and resourcing, in coordination with the preaching pastors and other ministries, worship that brings glory to God and encourages and shapes believers.
Ministry Responsibilities:
- Lead Worship Planning
- Continue to refine a vision for Hillside Music and Arts Ministries and review it annually during the evaluation process
- Lead the Worship Team and the Creative Planning Team (part of the Worship Team) in planning and evaluating worship services based on the stated vision for worship
- Promote an inter-generational worship atmosphere through music selection, etc.
- Create and arrange music for services at Hillside
- Create and coordinate the weekly details of Sunday worship services
- Lead Worship Teams
- Work on developing leadership skills for worship both personally and to those giving leadership in this area
- Encourage the growth and development of the musical skills of young people and adult volunteers
- Seek to discover and encourage use of musical and artistic gifts in our multi-generational congregation (keyboardists, instrumentalists, vocalists, dance team and drama team)
- Encourage spiritual growth and participate in fellowship among worship team volunteers
- Lead weekly rehearsals
- Technical Responsibilities
- Utilize emerging technologies for visual components of service
- Oversee the distribution of services and events via current social media platforms
- Oversee, recruit, train, encourage and schedule members of the audio-visual team
- Oversee the development and maintenance of audio-visual equipment at Hillside
- Assist with audio visual and worship needs the various ministries meeting during the week
- Make or supervise the making of Sunday ProPresenter presentations and making song sheets for the visually impaired
- Maintain Hillside’s CCLI license and oversee the input of data when necessary
- Edit and arrange digital music components (stems and loops)
- Other Responsibilities
- Resource and support all areas of worship and ministries, e.g. Alpha, Women in the Word, etc.
- Coordinate technical and personnel support for special services, e.g. funerals and weddings
- Create and maintain a budget for worship & arts ministries at Hillside
- Work with ministry directors to develop worship in their respective ministries
- Oversee stage design and seasonal decoration
- Investigate the creation and development of worship teams, i.e. Children’s Choir, Hillside Chorus, Youth Band, brass team, dance and drama teams
- Attend and participate in weekly staff meetings
- Perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Administrator
Working relationships:
Responsible to: Executive Administrator. There is a Worship Elder on the Church Council that will serve as a liaison.
Works closely with: Pastors, Hillside Staff, Worship Arts Committee (serve as chairperson), Creative Planning Team, Musicians, Audiovisual team, and other worship ministry volunteers
Time required: 40 hours per week on average. 32 hours per week will be allocated to worship. If the candidate has gifts in either graphic arts and/or IT, 8 remaining hours per week will be allocated in this area(s). Full benefits whether at 32 hours or 40 hours.