Mr. M used to live around Community CRC but moved back to his mother’s house in Black Hills neighborhood last year. When he lived around our church, he attended Community Church regularly except Sundays when he had to work his shifts and attended Adult Sunday Bible Study.
However, since he moved back to his mother’s house, it was hard for him to come to visit Community CRC as before. Even though Pastor Ezra tried to connect him with a mature mentor in Cascade Fellowship, it didn’t work out well after a few times of failed visits.
Pastor Ezra sent him texts via cell phone but didn’t receive any response for a while. One Sunday, Ezra was singing praise songs with his eyes closed and his daughter kept poking his side telling him to look at the person standing right next to him.
It was Mr. M.
Pastor Ezra was overjoyed to see him. It was like seeing one lost sheep coming back to the shepherd, Jesus.
Even though Pastor Ezra had some Bible studies with Mr. M, there was no chance to invite him to Alpha Bible study because he was working when Alpha Bible study was held. So the pastor asked if he could visit him at his house. He agreed.
While there, they watched together Alpha course video and discussed it. He didn’t grow up in Christian environment but was able to understand well. He confessed his sins of bitterness and hatred toward his abusive father when he was young. He wanted to forgive and love him.
Even though they enjoyed Alpha Bible study for several weeks, they had to put it on hold after the governor of Michigan issued “Stay at home” order. Pastor Ezra texted him about Sunday online worship service for him to watch.
Pastor Ezra can’t wait to resume Alpha Bible study with him once “Stay at home” order is lifted – praying that God may protect him from the evil one during this social distancing time and help him to have more desire to grow as Jesus’ disciple.
Submitted by Ezra Lee
Established Church Ministry Report – Spring 2020