The season of Advent is a gift of grace to help us embrace this time of waiting for the birth of Christ with eager expectation. May this prayer journey bring all of us to a place of true worship and gratitude as it fills our hearts and lives with His joy and peace this Advent season.
Daily Devotionals

May these devotionals help you to daily reflect on where you are in your faith journey and help draw you closer to His heart during this season of Lent.
Daily Devotionals

The churches in Classis Grand Rapids South participated in a four week journey dwelling on Luke 10: 1-24 and what it means for us to be SENT by Jesus and with others. All devotionals were written by men and women of our classis. We invite your church to use this devotional.
Daily Devotionals

Classis Grand Rapids South churches created and participated in a 30 day devotional that was geared towards each participant seeking out and praying for 3 individuals for 30 days. We invite you take this spiritual journey.
Daily Devotionals

To celebrate 500 years since the Reformation, Classis Grand Rapids South churches created and participated in a 31 day devotional on the theme of Always Reforming. We invite you and your church to do the same!
Daily Devotionals