Day 27 | 3043 Devotional

PRAY: Thank you for the Holy Spirit, Lord, who fills me with power, love and self-discipline. May your Spirit have its way in and through me.

Monday – Day 27

Approaching God – As you approach God today, allow yourself to be overwhelmed with his power—a power that is great enough to take broken people like us and use us to share the good news of Salvation in Jesus Christ.

“Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.” (1 Chronicles 29:12)

Listening to God – One of the evil one’s favorite weapons to keep us from living fully before God is fear. Fear is his weapon of choice when it comes to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to identify, name, and face those fears in the power of the Holy Spirit, standing on the promises of God. As you meditate on these words ask God to reveal to you any fears you have that might prevent you from sharing the gospel message with your three people. Also meditate on what God has promised you in these verses.

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Talking to God – After you are done listening, pray that verse back to God. Is there a reason for praise and thanksgiving? Do you need to confess anything? What do you need from God? What do you need to surrender to him? Pray the verse over your three people.

Ministering in God’s Name – The first step to overcoming our fears of sharing the gospel is to identify them and then make a plan to move beyond them in the Spirit’s power. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your comfort level on bringing Jesus and Christianity into the conversation with your three people. Why did you rate the way you did? How do you think you can take a step forward on the scale?

Surrendering to God – In prayer, surrender your fears to God and claim the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to give you his power, love, and self-discipline.

By Jolene DeHeer

  1. I agree with this, fear is my biggest issue. Fear that I won’t have the right words to say. Moses was reluctant to go to Egypt because he was NOT quick of speech AND he would be up against formidable people. God said you just go and I will give you the words. So I purpose in my heart that I want to speak for Jesus whenever I can, to these people, and others, and I trust him that he is going to give me the words. I can’t try to plan out ahead of time what to say, I believe him that he will give me the words to say when opportunities come up. What I wish for is for people to start conversations about God with me, but LOL that rarely happens. However, every once in awhile a golden opportunity drops in my lap. We have to always remember that person’s salvation is not up to us. The Spirit has to draw this person and give this person belief to see truth, just as he did when he drew each one of us to himself.

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