Ministry Stories
September 18, 2024

70×7 Life Recovery

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Paula Creswell, 70×7 Life Recovery’s Director of Church Engagement, is always very excited to go to churches and share about the work 70×7 does in our community for those returning from incarceration. In early spring, she had an opportunity to speak at a church that already was working directly with homeless individuals. Church members would go down to the river to find those camping out, bless them with practical items, and invite them to their church for fellowship and food.

On the Sunday Paula was speaking at this church, a homeless individual the church had been working with was there. Paula was able to share with the congregation about our programs and our work; afterwards, the pastor introduced her to “Jason.” Jason, a returned citizen, was struggling with anxiety and low self esteem as he tried to stay clean and sober. After talking more with Jason, Paula realized he would be a great fit at our newly opened Benson House – transitional living for men who are working with 70×7 to move forward with their lives. She introduced him to Troy Heintzelman, 70×7 Relationship Manager.

Troy met with Jason and got him connected in our Changes class where he was able to get support and encouragement, connect with others who understand, and work on employment skills. 70×7 had a bed available at Benson House, and with the help of his church friends, Jason was able to move in immediately. He is an incredibly kind and helpful person who regularly goes above and beyond to help others and take on projects that need to be done. Even though he has graduated from Changes, he still attends when he can to encourage new participants, to volunteer at Serving Together churches, and to continue his own growth journey.

Things are not yet “perfect” in Jason’s world. He still struggles with low self-esteem and anxiety and at times that makes steady employment a challenge for him. He has a network now though who surrounds him and works to encourage him regularly. He is staying clean and sober and has an upcoming job opportunity that could be a great fit for him. He has a reputation of kindness! Twice now staff have been approached by community members, people coming from completely different walks of life, who know Jason from past interactions who have talked about what a sweet guy he is and how he needs encouragement. 70×7 and all of our supporting churches and community will continue to be there for Jason as he grows into the life God has in store for him!

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