Day 19 | 3043 Devotional

PRAY: Inspire me, Lord, so I can make strangers into guests wherever I am and whatever I’m doing.

Read Genesis 18 – What do you learn about the importance of hospitality?

  1. I read the post for today before church this morning. Pastor Dave Struyk preached at MCC today. He talked about being “watchful” in prayer. I met Sarah and her baby before church; she was visiting for the first time. My husband had to go up north right after the service so I had an opportunity to take Sarah next door for brunch. She googled for a church close to her home and we popped up. We had a wonderful time of getting to know each other and share our lives. Sarah is married to a black man (we have been praying for diversity) and has a 20 month old (we have been praying for more families and children) So Pastor Dave, I’m practice the last part of your 3 point sermon. I’m being thankful in prayer. I saw such a correlation to 30-4-3 devotion/Dave’s sermon/God at work!

    1. Thank you sooo much for sharing this story! It is inspiring to hear how God is moving in the lives of those we are praying for! Exciting!

  2. Thanks for sharing that Skip! There is so much that God is at work doing around us- I’m so glad that you were looking for Him and willing to partner with Him!

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