The pandemic has certainly demanded that we pivot as an Alpha Team. We had to plan, train, and deploy an entirely online Alpha experience to keep people socially distanced and safe.
After one failed attempt last summer we ran a Fall Alpha in 2020. We learned much and had wonderful success.
Just two weeks ago we launched our Spring Alpha. We are so excited.
Online Alpha has allowed us to try something new. Our Spring Alpha is being done with four churches (MCC, Pillar Church, Immanuel Reformed, House of God), which span three denominations (CRC, RCA, Pentecostal), and is multiethnic. We launched March 2 with 50 guests and team (46 screens with, a few with 2 people per screen). As is typically the case, we saw a drop off in week two, we had about 40 guests. We are thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to conduct this ministry and for the support of Classis. We could not do this without you.
What is Alpha?
Alpha invites people who have questions about God, Life, and Meaning into a small group experience where they are heard and respected, no matter what thy think. Alpha emphasizes hospitality and depends on prayer, as we work to give the Holy Spirit full sway with our guests. After being warmly greeted Alpha participants watch a video what seeks to answer a basic question such as is there more to life than this? or Who is Jesus? After the video small groups meet to openly and honestly discuss the video.
Jim Boer, Monroe Community Church
Established Church Ministry Report