When covid struck we were in the middle of our first ever Alpha Course on the campus of a local College. As you can imagine the impact of the virus was completely disruptive to a ministry that relies on small group face to face conversation and contact. The Alpha course limped across the finish line, so to speak, but it still impacted the 10 students that attended the course.
As covid has persisted we have had to completely rethink our approach to doing Alpha. In consultation with Alpha USA and after a season of prayer we decided to host our first ever Summer Alpha that would take place completely online (via zoom).
Our team used this as a learning opportunity as we fully anticipate our fall Alpha to be online as well. After training for two weeks, after working through many technical challenges, we launched our Summer Online Alpha with four guests. Two have shown up regularly.
Yes, this is smaller, but that is OK.
We are thrilled that the Holy Spirit has given us two souls to care for and share the gospel with during this time of isolation and upheaval. Our Summer Online Alpha will extend through the end of August.
Join us in praying for the two individuals who are attending (one from out of state).
Submitted by Jim Boer
Established Church Ministry Summer Report 2020