It is a basketball program that allows us to make multiple contacts with many families and individuals without a church home. There were about 850 kids in the program this year with about 150 coaches. About 25% of those kids come from families who did not report a church home. The opportunity to plant seeds of faith is tremendous. It also allows us as a church to work together with multiple churches in our area to do some shared ministry across denominational lines.
Below is a snippet of an article the Banner wrote:
In West Michigan, Christian Reformed Churches have teamed up with Upward Sports to provide a positive sports experience for children. Providence CRC, Heritage CRC, Corinth Reformed Church and High Pointe Community Church are all involved in the local basketball league for kids from kindergarten to 6th grade.
“We want to give kids and parents a positive experience with sports,” said Providence outreach pastor J.B. Wernlund. It’s for families who may view kids’ sports as requiring too much of a time and travel commitment, yet want their kids to have an opportunity to excel mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially…
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