We are really excited about the development of our Alpha Ministry at Monroe Community Church.
There are several really encouraging things to share. First, on August 24, MCC hosted an Explore Alpha event that drew 11 churches from all over Michigan (Fremont, Detroit, Grand Rapids).
One of the key parts of our vision at MCC is to help bring the Kingdom of God (not just build up MCC) and helping other churches get the training to run Alpha is one way we do this.
Second, we helped four other local churches start new Alpha programs. We trained Alpha volunteers not only from MCC but also from Discovery Church, Pillar Church (Holland), Immanuel Reformed Church, Baldwin St. CRC (Ada Bible had some folks there as well).
Third, MCC launched it’s fall Alpha on September 25 with the largest group of volunteers we have ever had (28 Volunteers). We are entering our fourth week of Alpha, we have 4 small groups running, we have had 20 guests register, and right now we are seeing 18 guests per week. All but two of these guests are from outside MCC and several have no church connection at all.
Finally, we are very pleased with the feedback we are getting from our guests, they feel welcome, relaxed, and safe at Alpha, just what we are looking for!
Thanks again for your support for Alpha at MCC. We literally could not do it without Classis Grand Rapids South.
Submitted by Jim Boer
Fall 2019 Established Church Quarterly Report