The first CRCNA Prayer Summit in 2012 reiterated few critical factors for a spiritually healthy church. Every blessing the churches experience is not to be taken for granted, but it is a gift from the Lord. The Prayer Summit was such a gift from the Lord.
One pastors reflected on the Prayer Summit in the 2012:
“If you were to ask me prior to the Prayer Summit what does a typical CRC person looks like, I would have said: white, middle (upper middle) class, leaning politically to the right, supporting Christian schools, and Dutch. We had a social unity, our social background united us.” There is nothing wrong with that.
However, what did the Prayer Summit do to this image of the typical CRC person?
The pastor continued, “After the Prayer Summit I think that the typical CRC is a person of any race and language united by faith in Jesus. The denomination is united by what we call a spiritual unity. That’s what unites us.”
Moving from a social unity to a spiritual unity is a huge transition for the CRC. And prayer plays an important role in the life of the church or denomination that has a spiritual unity.
It was at a Prayer Summit when this man of God experienced the spiritual unity of the denomination. Is prayer the unifying factor for you, in a local church, in the office of a Christian firm, at your Christian school?
I’d like to read your thoughts.