From the Director
In the last quarterly letter, I used two key words to sum up my first few months as the director of The DOCK Ministries: “passion “and “excitement”. Praise God, those two words have not changed! However, I would like to add another key word to describe what we have been doing the past three months: “renovation”. Some synonyms for renovation are modernization, restoration, redecoration, refurbishment, revamping, making over, reconditioning, rehabilitation, overhauling, repair, redevelopment, rebuilding, reconstruction, remodeling, updating, and improvement.
In my perspective, these words describe what God is doing in the physical as we execute this spiritually (in the hearts and lives of these students). God is in the renovation business. He is constantly molding, reshaping, remodeling, and renovating our heart, soul, mind, and strength in order for us to be made into the very essence of Jesus Christ. Nothing can be as painful, stressful, exhausting, and yet, as rewarding as going through renovation. Allow God complete access to your spiritual and physical temple so that you too can be transformed and be made new!
We spent the majority of the first half of the school year in the Book of John, reading, learning, listening, and discovering who Jesus is. In January, we transitioned from who Jesus is to what Jesus is by delving into and dissecting some of Jesus’ myriad parables.
The Daily DOCK
At times, I wonder if these students are “getting it”. Are they listening? Do they comprehend these parables? Do they even care? Then, every now and again, they listen so intently that you can talk to them and share with them the powerful truths of Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Kingdom. Then, the next day happens, and it seems like we are back at square one again.
We are now in the Lenten season, a time during which we put aside our distractions. I asked the students the typical adult question, “Could you live without your phone for 40 days?” WWIII almost erupted at such a question. “Take away my food and clothes but never my phone!” one student responded. We all laughed at the seriousness and foolishness of his voice. The sad reality is that, for most students, the idea of a world with no cell phone is not truly known or understood. It would be like us, as adults, to live without computers, video games, movies, and TV- including Netflix and ESPN!
Capturing Jesus at the very core is capturing his likeness and his attributes (character traits). Every day at The DOCK, we challenge students to love God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength and to show and share that same love to others. My prayer is that one of these days, every student will take that challenge to the next level.
The New DOCK Look
The past two months, the DOCK went through some updating and renovations, all because you pray for us. A very generous family donation and Twin Lakes Nursery, who donated their labor, made this transformation a reality.
The crew of Twin Lakes Nursery was a highlight to my February. Even though they talked a lot of (clean) trash during intense games of ping-pong and pool, this crew made each day meaningful and eventful. The owner of Twin Lakes Nursery, Jim Versluis, wanted to do something unique this year. Instead of his crew members taking an extended break during the off-season, he decided they would give back to non-profit organizations and various churches throughout West Michigan. As he told me what his vision was, I could not hold back my tears and excitement. Their first project was the foundation in the South parking lot. They removed the asphalt, put a new drainage system in, and filled it with stones. Once I saw this finished product, I knew this crew knows how to work!
The board had to make several key decisions regarding how/what to renovate and avail ourselves of the generously donated labor. We all thought that it would be best to paint everything and then lay the new carpet squares. Over 8,000 square feet of carpet and paint were needed for this project. Well over 2,000 man hours were donated-a savings of $14,000 in labor alone! Only God could have done this for The DOCK!
We have seen God do extraordinary things through students lives.
This is our leadership class for hand-picked students from K-Ville High school that we teach here every Thursday. These students asked me to speak at their National Honors Society Banquet in May. We discuss all aspects of leadership and character.
Mon-Thurs…We have seen God work through individuals who were at one point very closed to the thought of God and now have received the truth that not only there is a God…but he Loves and values them in spite of what they have done.
Our volunteers at this time last year, checked out and could not wait for the year to be done. This year, they can’t wait to show up to help with our summer reading club.
Submitted by Stephen Roobol
Stephen’s primary responsibilities are organizing the daily activities, oversee the staff and volunteers, meet with teachers and parents with students who are struggling emotionally, academically and or spiritually. I also oversee the funding and grants. We recently hired a grant writer and are looking for case manager to help with the holistic aspect of the students.
The DOCK is an after-school drop in center for Kelloggsville Public Schools. We have received great support for our feeding program that we do Mon-Thurs. We feed over 40 students a day in our cafe at no charge to the students. we also give them a spiritual devotional everyday. This semester we dove into the parables of Jesus and introduced them to Lenten Season.