New Church Development Summer Update
One of our congregants (we’ll call her Abby), was on a work trip.
At this trip she started talking with one of her coworkers about church. Her coworker hasn’t been in years. He didn’t think it was necessary at all to be in relationship with other people of faith. “I just am spiritual and do my own thing.” Was the type of thing he would say.
She challenged him on that, and later on the work trip, he mentioned how he did miss the community, and could see something different in her and would think about getting plugged back into a church when they got back.
When she told me this, I was super excited. “That’s it! That’s how you share the gospel in word and deed, Abby!”
At City Chapel, one of the things you’ll hear a lot is how the gospel is always both word and deed. Word: the spoken truth about Jesus Christ and his life, death, and resurrection. But also Deed: The lived out good news. And it was so exciting to hear our people doing this outside of City Chapel in their city and at their workplaces.
With the funds from our Vital Worship Grant, we have been able to commission our own communion set to be made from artists in Grand Rapids and City Chapel.
Two of the artists attend City Chapel regularly, and another is someone who does not go to church, but she has come once to City Chapel, and comes to our different events (especially ones focused on art).
The funds to help us get a trailer have been SO helpful!
Not having to use one of our cars as a permanent storage unit is great, people at City Chapel who also have a hitch have been able to get involved in a simple yet *very* meaningful way by picking up the trailer at times.
Submitted by Ronald Radcliffe