J.A.M. is a multi-ethnic grass-roots movement of reproducing worshiping communities who share and live the Good News of Jesus together.
Year Three
As Madison’s J.A.M. Wyoming moves into Year Three, God continues to bless lives through J.A.M. This includes:
The Tuesday gathering at Roadbed Ministries is switching (temporarily) to a ‘baptism class’ for those who want to StandUp for Jesus.
The Lighthouse for young’ins at Ideal Park early on Friday evenings, and for not-so young’ins meeting later!! on Friday evenings.
Early Sunday afternoons an intergenerational group gathers at Calvary CRC for feeding body, soul, and spirit.
Pastor Cisco is encouraged how God’s changing people’s lives!
J.A.M. Finances
A goal of J.A.M. from day one has been financial self-support. Through generous ministry partners (see left) Pastor Cisco has been able to engage full-time in years one and two. Through the hospitality of Roadbed Ministries, Ideal Park, Calvary CRC and others, J.A.M. enjoys excellent ministry space at low or no cost! However, given the restraints of potential donors and the limited financial resources of most people attending, J.A.M. has been operating “in the hole.”
In the face of these realities, and in keeping with his sense of call, Pastor Cisco is now bivocational, accepting financial support only when money is “in the bank.” So please pray for Pastor Cisco and Julie with renewed urgency:
- For continuing partner support toward partial compensation.
- For other job opportunities complementary to J.A.M.
- That God will supply their every need in Christ Jesus!
Go West, Young J.A.M., Go West
Wyoming is west of Grand Rapids, sort of. At this point in J.A.M.’s life, Pastor Cisco feels led to identify more strongly with Wyoming in a couple of ways:
- Calvary will ask Classis Grandville to accept Pastor Cisco’s ordination as a commissioned pastor.
- J.A.M. will shift from a multi-site of Madison Church to a church-plant under Calvary.
- Pray with us for God’s favor on these important transitions!
J.A.M. is a ministry of Madison Square Church, in partnership with One Wyoming and CRC Great Lakes Home Missions, and CRC ‘classis’ and congregations in Wyoming, Grandville and Grand Rapids, MI. and individual partners/donors.