On Thursday, Dec. 14, in the evening, 10 year old, Cameron, came in to the food center with his mother. They came to shop as they often did at our pantry. Cameron approached Judy and I and asked if he could donate some money to us. I told him yes and he drew two dollar bills out of his pocket. Cameron explained to me that he had shoveled snow that day and had received this money for shoveling. He wanted to donate it to us so that we could purchase food for the food pantry. I got down on one knee and thanked him for his generosity in donating his hard-earned money to us. I also explained how I would use his money to purchase food at Feeding America where I could buy more food then what he could get from the grocery store. His eyes opened wide at this news and he was happy to hear that.
After this exchange he took a prayer request sheet and sat down to fill it out. Once completed he brought it up to me. I read through his four prayer requests and one request jumped out at me. He wanted a new pair of shoes. I tucked this information away since my heart wanted to reciprocate this boys unselfish giving by getting him these much needed shoes. After he and his mom shopped with us and left for home, to my surprise they showed back up a half hour later. Cameron’s mom explained that Cameron insisted she bring him back to the pantry because he had something else to give me. I looked at Cameron and he told me that he had gotten paid the rest of the money from his shoveling earlier that day. He proceeded to hand me a five dollar bill and his only request was that he needed three dollars back to buy gas. I gave him three dollars back and a big hug for donating four dollars to the pantry.
On the following Tuesday night Cameron and his mom came back to the pantry to received their Christmas Food Basket. I also gave Cameron a wrapped gift (shoes) for himself and a gift for his older sister that they could open on Christmas. He also received two Christmas stuffed bears and two boxes of gifts for him and his sister that had been donated to us to hand out to children that shopped with us. Cameron and his mom were beyond grateful! They were so appreciative of all the support, gifts, and help they were offered through our organization. This story is the reason why we do what we do at Streams of Hope!
2017 Streams of Hope Yearly Summary Report
2017 vs 2016 Statistics
- In 2017, we have received and distributed a total of 376, 706 lbs of food averaging 31,400 per month. With the largest totals of 194, 179 lbs from Feeding America and 142,627 lbs coming from Buist. In 2016 we received and distributed 305,000 lbs averaging 25,416 lbs of food per month from donations or purchased product.
- In 2017 Volunteer Hours we had 7237 total averaging 603 hours per month. In 2016 Volunteer Hours 7381 totaled averaging volunteer 651 hours per month.
- In 2017 Client households served were 5137 averaging 428 households per month. In 2016 Client households served were 5041 totaled Households averaging 420 households serviced per month.
- Educational Weekly Nutritional Classes included on average of 10 participants per class. Classes included Cooking Matters, Simply Fit and Diabetes Awareness.
- NOW Program currently has 11 clients.
Past and Future Donations and Events
- Received $25590 in gift cards from the Meijer Simply Give Program for the year. We had $18400 from 2016 left to begin 2017. Beginning Meijer Simply Give balance for 2018 is $24,690 J
- Received $15944 as donations to our Feeding America account for the year.
- Legacy Schools donated 30 Thanksgiving Day baskets to our families.
- Princeton donated 20 Christmas baskets to our families.
- Cornerstone hosted our successful Volunteer Christmas Party with over 100 in attendance.
- Alto Precision created 200 Christmas boxes that were distributed to all 88 of our tutored kids and other community families.
- Cutlerville East donated 18 Christmas baskets filled with food.
- Hillside Angel Tree presented 148 gifts and clothing to 26 Streams of Hope families that included 74 children.
- Received Food Drive groceries from – Ada Bible Kentwood Campus, Bellabay Realty, Covenant Church and Kelloggsville CRC
- New Church partner at Streams of Hope is Kelloggsville CRC.
- Spring GR 12 week program will begin March 7th
- SCHS Bike Project
Submitted by Sandi Nicely