Stop and Consider


March 17, 2023

Life can be hectic.  Spouses, children, extended family, jobs, committees, and other obligations all demand a portion of our time.  We try to find space for God in our lives, but the tyranny of the immediate claims our attention.  Too soon we begin to run on empty emotionally and spiritually.

During this Lenten season, I invite you to find time to get spiritually filled.  Stop and consider God’s wonders.

Consider the wonder of God’s love for us.  Stop and think about this: “God loves you so much He gave His only Son to die for you.”   When you allow yourself to meditate on the simple yet profound truth of God’s incredible, mind-boggling love, it takes your breath away.  His love is so astonishing, so exquisite, so amazing!  How can it be that God would love us so much that He would let His only Son die?

Allow yourself to be overwhelmed with a true sense of wonder this Lenten season as you consider the scope of God’s love.  Respond with awe and adoration.

Consider the wonder of forgiveness.  Stop and let your imagination take you back to the cross.  Hear the sound of the nails being pounded into Jesus’ hands and feet.  Hear His agonizing groans as metal rips flesh.  Realize that the burden of our sin was far more painful than Roman nails.  Remember that without His death there would be no redemption, no atonement, and no hope.

In true repentance and with deep gratitude, respond to the wonder of God’s forgiveness.  Weep for your sins and wonder at the grace that flows from that cross and removes your sins as far as the east is from the west.

Consider the wonder of a living Savior.  For those who were there when the Romans took Jesus down from the cross it must have felt like all was lost, but the grave could not hold Him.  He defeated Satan, canceled our debt of sin, and now is sitting at His Father’s right hand.  What compelling reasons to be filled with extreme joy – a joy that begins in the core of our being and spills over in songs and words of praise – a joy that makes us want to dance like David did before the ark – a joy that is full of hope and assurance.

Consider the wonder of a living Christ.  Respond with joy and become like a child.  Let down your guard and rejoice – JESUS LIVES!!

Prayer: Loving Lord, forgive me for taking your sacrifice for granted. Fill me again every day with renewed wonder at the cost you paid so your grace could wash us clean and give us eternal life. Amen.

Instagram Photo Challenge: Take a photo that portrays STOP AND CONSIDER Tag it with #onefaithmanyfaces

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