We wrapped up our fall Alpha in December and even with all the trouble Covid continues to cause the Lord drew people to himself and changed lives. Here are just a few “facts” about Alpha at Monroe Community Church (MCC) this fall.
Due to Covid we provided Alpha online using Zoom, Sept 14 – Dec 14 2021
- The Point Church in Grand Rapids, asked if they could team up with us for ‘on the job’ training and the collaboration and this work really well – a mutually edifying experience!
- MCC had 2 small groups, and The Point settled on 1 group and they also provide the technical support running the zoom call on their platform.
- MCC’s Team provided training for both churches, and covered the role of emcee each week. We also trained The Point in these roles so they are able to run another Alpha well also.
- MCC team – total of 9
- The Point team – total of 5
- 11 guests in total completed the whole season of Alpha.
Alpha always produces wonderful stories. Here is a story from this Alpha –
One of the guests had a prior commitment during our Saturday morning focus retreat and was only able to join the zoom call from her car as she was being driven to a football game. The retreat is planned as a time of learning about the person and work of the Holy Spirit and includes quiet reflection where we encourage people to find a quiet uninterrupted space to relax and enjoy the time and experience God’s presence. This particular guest was certainly not able to participate in that way however, as she sat in her car listening and reflecting on all that she had learned so far through Alpha, the Holy Spirit opened her heart and brought conviction about who Jesus is … and she surrendered her life to the Lord!!!
Zoom is no barrier for the Holy Spirit to do His marvelous work!!
Submitted by Jim Boer
Established Church Ministry report
Praise the Lord! I love the collaboration and the testimony of how the Spirit is working through Alpha.