Do Not Take
Luke 10: 4 | By Rev Paul Sausser
When people enter into something new, it is not uncommon to have a backup plan. When going on vacation, we bring extra clothes just in case the weather changes or we get too much mud and/or sweat on our clothes. When you go on a first date, you can have a friend text you about one hour in case you want to bolt. That way you can give your date an excuse for cutting the date short. When in church if the sermon gets boring, one can pull out the week’s to-do list and work on that so that the 30 minutes aren’t wasted. Do we also backup plans when it comes to faith in Jesus?
I'm not asking if we have backup plans when it comes to salvation, but if we have backup plans when it comes to service. If a ministry isn’t turning out the way we expected, do we look for a side door to exit? If the relationship is more giving than receiving, do we look for excuses to stop investing in a person?
In Luke’s telling of Paul’s conversion story in Acts 9, it really should be about Paul’s commission story to preach the gospel. On the Damascus Road in His appearance to Saul, Jesus tells Saul that he will be told what to do (verse 6) with Ananias’ obedient (though initially scary) ministry to Saul. Ananias reaffirms Jesus’ commission to Saul. Conversion leads to commission. Salvation leads to service for all Jesus followers, not just for the select few. So in our service, do we have a backup plan?
When Jesus sends out the Seventy-Two, He tells them, “Do not take a purse, bag, or sandals.” Jesus says don’t take anything extra. He wants us to be vulnerable in trusting him to provide for it all—don’t hold something in reserve in your back pocket just in case.
Some might call this vulnerable faith a foolish faith. Someone recently called it, more accurately, a “crazy faith.” It's crazy enough to just follow and let God do His thing in and through you. It's crazy enough that if the service isn’t working out as you planned, that God is still working His plan. His plan is where we need to put our trust. As we follow God’s leading in going where He sends us, and in meeting new people, the Spirit directs us to who need grace. Let’s not go into that relationship with our plan of how to sneak out if it isn’t going well. Do not take up any backup plans, instead have a crazy faith.
Trust God for all you need in serving others, and don’t look for an easy way out.
Father God, as you send me to places and people, help my faith to trust you to provide all that I need. I relinquish any plans I have of how to get away or make it be what we want it to be. Strengthen my trust that you are all I need. Amen.
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