Our in-school and after-school programs were successfully running when the schools were closed due to the Corona Virus. We provide in-school and after school literacy programming for K-5th graders by hiring certified teachers to provide instruction on small group settings.
Since we are not able to finish our planned school year with our students, we shifted gears and decided to start an at-home reading program. We raised money to have 12 leveled books sent to each one of our student’s homes.
The students read the books, and answer some questions about it. We call each student every week to check on their health, feelings, and their reading.
We also pass out food to students families on Fridays. The parents from our GRPS school have expressed so much gratitude. There have been many opportunities to pray with families on the phone.
Submitted by Heather Rosema
Schools of Hope Literacy Ministry Spring Report 2020