Description of Ministry
Family Worker for residents of the Roosevelt Park Neighborhood of southwest Grand Rapids (and surrounding area); link families from neighborhood with Christian mentors or appropriate referrals to help with employment, nutrition, translating, interpretation, legal help, medical attention, and spiritual needs. Also provides referrals in areas such as housing assistance and immigration assistance. Also provides support to our English as a Second Language program. The Family Worker serves the residents of the Roosevelt Park Neighborhood and the surrounding area.
An Encouraging Story
Imagine a child coming down the stairs on Christmas morning – eyes wide with awe and mouth open with surprise as he sees the Christmas tree surrounded by towers of beautiful packages. His imagination can hardly grasp what could be in each of those perfectly wrapped boxes. And, as he tears open each one, the shrill of excitement gets louder and louder.
What if you had the opportunity to give that kind of joy this Christmas? The most exciting gift you give this year could be to a total stranger who needs it most.
To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with. – Mark Twain
When Maria, a Hispanic woman in our neighborhood, was tasked with filling out Medicaid paperwork for her children, she encountered two obstacles. The confusing and complicated paperwork was written in Spanish, but Maria’s first language is Mam – a Mayan dialect from Guatemala. In addition, she was not able to read. Fortunately, Maria found her way to Roosevelt Park Ministries where a family worker read her the questions and translated a phone call between Maria and a Department of Health and Human Services social worker. This resolved the confusion and allowed Maria to complete her paperwork successfully.
Your contributions to Roosevelt Park Ministries have allowed us to become a safe haven to Maria and others in our community. Because of you, over 2,200 individuals are empowered each year and become self-sufficient and active members of our community.
Your gifts provide for critical needs including job training and referral services, DHS form assistance, translation services, ESL classes, financial literacy classes, summer camps for kids, and seasonal community meals. With over 25 available programs, Roosevelt Park Ministries exists to serve all people. It is your generosity that makes this possible.