Marisol has been attending English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at Roosevelt Park Ministries (RPM) since last fall. We have watched as this bright young woman has gained confidence and has opened her eyes to the many possibilities in her future. Over the course of the last few months she has signed up for cooking classes, the resume and interview workshop, and has also been working with an ESL tutor.
But even more, Marisol has been volunteering and playing a role in assisting with our monthly community meal project. This week, while meeting with our Family Worker, she shared that she had been in contact with Grand Rapids Community College and her goal is to attend college and become a teacher. Marisol came to RPM a shy self-conscious woman wanting to learn how to speak English. She is developing into a self-confident, ambitious woman, becoming proficient in English, focused on her goal to attend college and become a bi-lingual teacher in the public-school system. God is so good!!!
RPM links families from neighborhood with Christian mentors or appropriate referrals to help with employment, nutrition, translating, interpretation, legal help, medical attention, and spiritual needs. Also provides referrals in areas such as housing assistance and immigration assistance. Also provides support to our English as a Second Language program. The Family Worker serves the residents of the Roosevelt Park Neighborhood and the surrounding area.