I have completed the two classes at Calvin that was required of my by classis. I took a preaching course by John Rottman and a N.T. Letter Course from Jeff Wiema.
5-1-16 will be a day that will always be remembered by members of the PIER> We had 3 baptisms. Two of the people that were baptized than stood before the church and confessed their cohabitation for the past 13 years, they repented and agreed that it was a sin against God. We than married them in the service. We had 120 people at that service and praise God for the message that went out that day. Al said that he remembered as a young boy, people being married in the service at his CRC church in New Mexico. Praise God for a return to our heritage.
I have been meeting with a young man named Omar, who came from El Salvador fleeing for his life because of his Christian background. He came to America to find the opportunities that we have here. He was fostered by two lesbian women who has caused him to struggle with what he believes. He said to me, “How can I love these ladies, when my faith tells me to hate them?” I told him, “Jesus doesn’t hate these ladies, he hates the sexual immorality that is killing them.” You are free to love them with all your heart and show them the love of Jesus and tell them of the Gospel.” He is struggling, but I hope to walk with him more and encourage him in the faith.
Kiel and I went to Grand Haven, to the Christian Leaders Institute lunch in. Kiel and another young man by the name of Brian are taking the on line training and I believe that it is a great training element for a community like ours. A person can even receive a Bachelor degree on line for 1,800.00. It is a high quality program, which is training 1000’s of people around the world.
I took a week vacation this month after my final exam at Calvin Seminary. There were two deaths during that time and one I participated in. I am glad the Lord allows me to be available to do his work even on vacation. I guess my life is not my own!
- God will continue to show our neighborhood the plan of Redemption by restoring people back to him and to each other.
- We are working on a 4th staff person job description, pray that God will give us wisdom and direction.
- Pray for guidance on the leadership of the PIER to be more concerned about the heart of a person than their external performance.
- We are beginning to see peoples hearts change, let us be sensitive on how God wants us to lead them.
- A Lady by the name of Dorothy is coming to our church and has found out she has cancer
- We are interacting with more community neighbors through U Can Ministries. Pray that God will touch their lives.
-submitted by Wayne Ondersma