The Pier July Update

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The Pier is in partnership with our collection of churches.

Summer is here…

We pray you are enjoying the summer this far! Here at the PIER, we have taken advantage of the summer weather (and sometimes despite the rainy weather…) and hit the streets with prayer walks and our first church picnic. A couple nights we set up a bonfire in our parking lot along Division and shared fellowship and s’mores together. People on their bikes stopped to say hello, kids from the DOCK hung out for a bit, and it was just a great time of reaching out and sharing life together.

Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings at The PIER have been a steady, gradual growth since the first of this year. We began our Sunday mornings in the living room of the Hamlets, where we gathered together and did a study on revival. Around spring, we transitioned into The DOCK building, and have been growing our morning service ever since. Pray that God not only smoothes out the kinks, but also grows this church family. We are excited to see the church leaders He will lead and develop, as we work together to spread the Good News of the Gospel!

Worship Band

Sunday mornings we have been blessed with individuals like Bob Hamlet to fill in and lead worship from time to time, but we are still in need of musicians. We are praying for God to provide musicians who are passionate about Christ and want to help start The PIER’s worship band! If you know of anyone, pass this invite along!


Church plants require a lot of work, and often times the leaders have to do double duty. Right now, we ask that you pray for the leaders of The PIER and Pastor Wayne. Pray that God gives them rest, renewal, and the strength to do what God has called them to. Also, pray for those who are part of the church body, that in time they will grow even closer to the Lord and that we become a vibrant, loving family of Christ.

First Baby of The PIER!

We want to announce the birth of the first baby of The PIER! On May 13, 2014 Jathan Robert Hamlet was born to our core team members Kiel & Danielle Hamlet. He’s a precious blessing from God and a very healthy growing boy.

Thank You Prayer Partners

Our last prayer partner meeting was a blessing to us as a church, and we wanted to thank you for coming and supporting this church plant.

 The Pier Core Team

Bob & Carol Boverhof, Kiel & Dani Hamlet, Doug & Laurie Helmholdt, Wayne & Sue Ondersma, Dave & Judy Holtrop

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