A recent story shared by the PIER’s Pastor
Melissa was a young woman who was raised in a family whose mother describes herself as someone who makes the woman at the well look like a saint. Under this abusive atmosphere, Melissa learned to use her body and drugs to make life survivable. She lived this way for 30+ years. We met Melissa for the 1st time last summer. She is a beautiful bright woman with a smile that would move a crowd. Unfortunately, she made decisions that moved her away from God and us.
But this winter God broke through in a life or death moment. After a night of looking to drugs, Melissa was strung out and walking down Eastern Avenue. She ended up shedding all her cloths and laying in the front yard of a home. By the grace of God someone found her and brought her to Mary Free Bed. That is where I met Melissa the second time.
Melissa reminded me of the demoniac that Jesus met because she is today sitting in our worship times, clothed, and in her right mind. She is praising God and asking, “Can I go with you Jesus?”
God has a plan for Melissa’s life and I pray that the PIER can walk along side of her to see God unfold his plan in her life.
Praise God he is still changing people’s lives!