We are so proud of Naka, a participant of 70×7 Life Recovery’s programs. Naka is successfully working, speaks to current participants of the Changes program, and is serving on the 70×7 Life Recovery Grand Rapids Advisory Council.
Also, we were excited to have WGVU Morning Show with Shelly Irwin do a radio interview about 70×7 Life Recovery with Sarah Rhein, Relationship Manager-Grand Rapids and Marybeth Sims, Donor Relations Manager-Holland. To listen to his interview, go to: https://www.wgvunews.org/post/
The 70×7 Life Recovery-Grand Rapids Program Center had a very strong Fourth Quarter 2019 with a high number of client intakes, job readiness & life skills training participants, and in all our programing. Our 70×7 Life Recovery – Restorative Hope program is well received with churches in the community. Agencies, churches, probation & parole offices, as well of word of mouth are consistently providing positive feedback and steady referrals. We are currently in discussion with community partners to address housing issues. We perpetually strive to grow our programs and improve our services; we consistently challenge ourselves to seek new ways to do this.
Seven cohorts of the Change Class (Change Your Story, Change Your Life!) graduated this quarter. Each class meets for two weeks, Monday – Thursday for 3 hours with additional time requirements for resume preparation, mock interviews and job readiness assessments (Serving Together). Upon graduation, participants are assisted with employment and mentoring. Community partners including Friend of the Court, Wyoming PD, business partners and other successful Change graduates make presentations to classes to encourage participants, network and answer questions as they work to successfully reenter the community.
Submitted by Cheryl Wyma
Diaconal Ministry Quarterly Update.