We want to begin by reiterating our gratitude to Classis Grand Rapids South New Church Development Team for supporting Monroe Community Church (MCC) in this time of growth and staff expansion. Of course, covid could not have been worse for Pastor Daniel and his assimilation into MCC. Having accepted our call in January, by mid-March we were all isolated and quarantined in our homes. Daniel’s exam for ordination was postponed (now rescheduled for August) and we wondered how the virus would impact MCC’s finances and his job.
But God is good and we have been able to hang in there pretty well.
1. Daniel has been able to preach regularly (MCC meets every Sunday AM via Zoom)
2. Daniel has taken over as the face of our Alpha ministry as he has assumed the role of host (a very important role).
3. Daniel has been able to work behind the scenes with our Tech Team to install new infrastructure for streaming our services (launching in August).
4. Daniel has led our Justice Team in developing a more courageous plan for MCC to address issues of injustice in the church and the community.
All in all we have made the best of a challenging situation and Pastor Daniel is already loved and appreciated by MCC.
Submitted by Jim Boer
New Church Development Ministry Summer Report 2020