Agenda for Classis Grand Rapids South
Moline CRC | January 19, 2017 | 4:00 p.m.
- When arriving, delegates should present credentials to the clerk, put on a name tag and pick up any new reports and materials. First time delegates should contact the clerk to sign the Covenant for Officebearers in the Christian Reformed Church.
- Opening Worship led by host church.
- Roll call of delegates – Stated Clerk.
- Declaration that Classis is constituted. Delegates and guests are welcomed. Re. William Renkema serves as chairperson and Ken Van Wyk as recording clerk.
- Approval of minutes of October 27, 2016 Classis meeting.
- Appointment of Committees:
- Committee to examine credentials:
- Balloting committee:
- Schedule for the meeting: Dinner at 6 pm. No separate refreshment break.
- Elections:
- Delegates to Synod June 9-15, 2017 Trinity Christian College
(Councils should include the names of potential elder nominees and deacon nominees on their credentials and inform Ken Van Wyk and Paul Sausser before our meetings of nominations that will be presented to Classis.)
- Classical Positions (Ballot will be presented at Classis meeting) Put nominations for Council of Delegates on your credentials.
- Speakers:
- 30 minute presentation by Diaconal Committee. (Immediately after dinner)
- Laura Keeley for Faith Formations – 20 minutes.
- Audio Scriptures – 5 minutes.
- Colin Watson Director of Ministries and Administration – 15 minutes.
- New Business:
- Request from Kelloggsville CRC to approve the resignation of Rev. Esteban Lugo according to church order article 14 b. Kelloggsville recommends Esteban Lugo have the status of honorably released.
- Background information presented by Kelloggsville CRC.
- Discussion and vote by Classis.
- Report of the synodical deputies whose concurrence is required.
- Request from First Cutlerville that Dr. Randy Blacketer be released from active ministerial service according to church order article 17 a.
- Background information presented by the Church Visitors.
- Discussion and vote by Classis.
- Report of the synodical deputies whose concurrence is required.
- Reports of Classical Committees and Servants:
- Stated Clerk – Ken Van Wyk
- Interim Committee – Paul Sausser
- Classical Ministries – Dave Struyk
- New Church Development – Dave Struyk
- Spiritual Growth and Prayer – Laurie Zuverink, Bob Boersma
- Established Church Development – Mike Hoogeboom
- Classical Ministerial Leadership Team – Stephen De Wit
- Diaconal Committee – Daniel Bud
- Ann Arbor Campus Ministry
- CMI Campus Ministry
- Treasurer – Brenda Bosch
- Finance Committee – Jerry Zandstra
- Church Visitors
- Church Counselors
- Mentor reports
- Regional pastors – Ruth Boven, David Deters
- Committee to examine the credentials
- Communications Coordinator – Daniel Maat
- Prayer Coordinator – Felicia Bud
- Reports of CRCNA Ministries:
- Home Missions
- World Missions
- World Renew
- Board of Trustees of CRCNA
- Calvin Theological Seminary
- Calvin College
- Back to God Ministries International
- Other CRCNA ministries
Expression of thanks to host church.
Next meeting of Classis will be Thursday, May 18, 2017, at 7 pm at Wayland CRC. Deadline for the agenda is April 14, 2017.
Adjournment and closing prayer by Chairperson Bill Renkema.
Synodical Deputies: Rev. Mark Bennink – Classis Georgetown. Rev. Doug Fauble – Classis Grandville. Rev. Stan Scripps – Classis Holland