1. Arrival- Delegates put on name tags, presented their credentials, and picked up new and materials not previously distributed. First-time delegates signed the Covenant for Officebearers in the Christian Reformed Church indicating their agreement as delegates to Classis Grand Rapids South. (All pastors, elders, & deacons also sign it upon installation as officebearers.)
2. Opening Devotions-Elder Andy Geelhoed from Ideal Park, our host, shared history of their congregation, expressing confidence in their future as they proceed in seeking a new pastor, all based on God’s Word in Hebrews to proceed “in faith”. He led in prayer for the meeting.
3. Roll Call- The Stated Clerk called the role as listed on the submitted credentials.
4. Declaration- Upon completion of the roll call, Classis was declared constituted and Ruth Boven assumed the chair and welcomed guests and the delegates, including Cutlerville East’s new pastor. Rev. Ed Visser. George Vink serves as recording clerk.
5. Approval of October 18, 2018 & January 17, 2019 Minutes- Moved, supported and passed.
6. Appointment of Committee-The Chair appointed Rev. Ed Visser and Elder Gordon Van Singel as the Credential and Balloting Committee.
7. Oversight Committee Report Re: Dr. Randy Blacketer– Peter Jonker, Henry Schenkel, Mark Jansen and LeAnne Jansen serve as the Oversight Committee. They continue to keep contact, confident that Classis will demonstrate patience as the committee deals pastorally with the family as well as the provisions of our Church Order.
NEW BUSINESS- Matters from the Classical Interim Committee
8. Retirement(s)-As requested by Kelloggsville CRC, Classis approved the retirement of Rev. (Dr) Gary Bekker-Church Order 18- Reason: age Effective Date: September 17, 2019
9. Safe Church-Referencing Synod 2018’s mandate, CIC member Ruth Boven reported that progress is being made. The Committee has requested and expects to have a one-year grant that would be used to secure a qualified person to implement further our Safe Church Team.
**Prayer-Bob Boersma led the assembly in prayer regarding persons and matters covered.
9a Reports from Classical Support Ministry Individuals and Teams
i. Stated Clerk, George Vink’s report previously distributed. Opportunity to ask questions was provided. Motion passed to approve the work.
ii. Classical Interim Committee- Chmn Paul reviewed highlights of the previously-distributed report. He noted that Ed Visser has joined the Committee and serves as Alternate Stated Clerk. The Regional Pastor’s position was reviewed. Pastor Vink was approved to continue his work. The Servants of Classis listing was completed. Motion passed to approve its work.
iii. Treasurer– Brenda Bosch distributed and highlighted the “Budget vs Actual by Committee” statement and a Written Report covering the 6 areas involved. Changes involve some over budget expenses covered by the reserves. Brenda noted, “Moving the budget approval to October should give rise to fewer anomalies from the budget in the future.” The chair thanked Brenda for her work.
iv. Credentials and Balloting Committee- There were no matters raised on the credentials for Classis’ action. After reviewing the pastors available for Synod and introducing those presented on the credentials, the committee administered the voting with the following results:
Delegates to Synod 2019:
Minister: Ron Kool Alternate: Paul Sausser
Elder: Jan Heerspink Alternate: ____TBD____
Deacon: Margie Roweles Alternate: Judy Myszak
Other Officebearer: Dave Struyk Alternate: Stephen De Wit
**Prayer Time
9b Reports from Ministry Committees and Servants of Classis
i. Classical Ministry Team(CMT)-Dave Struyk reported on continuing focus on CGRS’ goals.
ii. Established Church Development(ECD)-Jim De Zeeuw noted growth patterns.
iii. New Church Development (NCD)-Dave Struyk reported and distributed the report indicating the anticipated support given to emerging churches in our area. NCD is also seeking a partner or church to consider planting a new ministry in CGRS’s vicinity.
iv. Classical Youth Leaders-Arek O’Connel presented a detailed, enthusiastic report on the work of coordination being done among youth leaders that’s exciting and rewarding.
v. Spiritual Growth and Prayer-Bob Boersma served throughout the meeting leading and securing prayers for the ministries/agencies presenting.
vi. Diaconal Ministries (DMC)-No report
vii. Ministry Leadership Team(MLT)- Emily VandenHeuvel reported on the teams contacts with students and introduced several CTS students. Classis took time to pray for the students and the work of contacting and supporting them.viii.
viii. Church Visitors-No reports
ix. Church Counselors--Curt Walters reported that Ideal Park has begun its search and has a possible candidate being interviewed.
x. Regional Pastor– George Vink’s report previously distributed. He expressed his appreciation for the cooperation of pastors in keeping in touch. He experiences joy doing this work.
xi. Prayer Coordinator-Felicia Bud continues to encourage churches to have prayer coordinators who’ll be in touch with her.
xii. Communications Coordinator –Daniel Maat provided a screen presentation throughout the meeting indicating the Five Goals of Classis and their implementation. He reported on meeting with communication representatives from the churches as they seek to enhance their media means.
9c. Reports related to our denominational relationship-
i. Council of Delegates-Dave Struyk urged the reading of Steve Timmerman’s COD Highlights.
ii. World Renew-Mailing had been sent to the churches seeking a new delegate to the board.
iii. Calvin Theological Seminary– Curt Walters- No report
9d. Reports Sharing Ministry Information for Delegates
i. Jabez Ministries-Pastor Peter Gordon expressed great appreciation for Classis support of their growing ministry as they minister to students as well as alumni. Peter came with two students who shared their experience and gratitude for Jabez’ “Corner Table” ministry.
ii. 70/7- Ben Rosa related how as a combined agency they’re expanding their ministry and materials. It’s a service to male and female persons coming out of prison, but also to their affiliated families under the heading of “Stronger Together.” He put the agency’s appreciation for classis support simply, “We cannot thank you enough.”
iii. Celebration Fellowship-Glen Van Andel shared several testimonies from those engaged In the various educational opportunities. Presently there are 3 congregations in Ionia with a goal to plant 30 in Michigan prisons. Calvin Seminary’s Prison Program has 80 students and they are running their 4th Alpha program.
**Prayer Time
Chair Ruth Boven thanked the host church for its hospitality and closed in prayer.
NEXT MEETING: OCTOBER 17, 2019 at Kelloggsville CRC
Deadline for the October 17 Agenda: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Respectfully submitted, George G. Vink, Stated Clerk