See some of the faces of leaders that gathered together.
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Minutes of Classis Grand Rapids South
Kelloggsville CRC | January 21, 2016 | 4:00 p.m.
- Arrival. Upon arrival, the delegates presented their church’s credentials to the stated clerk, filled out name tags and picked up any materials not previously distributed. A copy of the Covenant for Officebearers was posted on the front table and all first time delegates, by their signatures, indicated their agreement.
- Musical Worship. Sarah and Matt from Kelloggsville led us in the reading of Psalm 103 and singing of 10,000 Reasons, Just As I Am and I Will Sing of My Redeemer. Bill Renkema offered the prayer.
- Roll Call. The stated clerk Ken Van Wyk called the roll
- Declaration. Chairperson Bill Renkema declares that Classis is constituted and welcomes delegates and guests. Ken Van Wyk will serve as recording clerk.
- Approval of Minutes. Motion is made to approve the minutes of October 15, 2015.
Supported. Approved. - Appointment of Committees:
- Committee to examine credentials: LaGrave
- Balloting committee: Ideal Park
- Schedule for the Meeting: Dinner at 6 pm. No separate refreshment break.
- Elections:
- Delegates to Synod June 10-17, 2016 @ Calvin College
- Minister: Mike Hoogeboom, Daniel Bud
- Elder: Eric Kamstra, Brian Vander Bie
- Alternates
- Minister: Henry Schenkel, Randy Blacketer
- Elder: Nelson Haan, Wilma Knoll
- Classical Positions:
- Stated Clerk: Ken Van Wyk
- Alternate Stated Clerk: William Renkema
- Treasurer: Brenda Bosch
- Established Church: Mike Hoogeboom
- New Church Development: Randy Ledeboer
- Spiritual Growth & Prayer: Laurie Zuverink
- Classical Ministerial Leadership Team: Emily Vanden Heuvel
- Diaconal Committee: Ezra Lee, John Ouwinga
- Synodical Deputy: Randy Blacketer
- Alternate Synodical Deputy: Bob Boersma
- Delegates to Synod June 10-17, 2016 @ Calvin College
- Speakers:
- Tim Bosscher from World Missions spoke for fifteen minutes on the progress being made in the merger of World Missions and Home Missions. Bob Boersma led in prayer for God’s blessing and direction in this merger process.
- Rev Estaban Lugo from the Office of Race Relations reminded us that “these are exciting times because they are challenging times.” He spoke about God’s Diverse and Unified Family. He provided some information on Cultural Intelligence Workshop and “The Blanket Exercise.”
- Reports of Classical Committees and Servants:
- Stated Clerk- Ken Van Wyk reports on his activities from May 21, 2015 until today.
- Interim Committee-Paul Sausser
- Interim Committee received a request from LaGrave CRC to approve the job description for Rev. Frank Guter as a chaplain at Holland Home according to CO article 12 b. Motion is made to approve the job description. Supported. Approved. (A copy of the job description is filed with the minutes kept by the stated clerk of Classis.)
- Interim Committee received information from Monroe Community CRC regarding the ending of the term call of Rev. Henry Schenkel. The delegates from Monroe Community provide additional information to Classis. Rev. Ron Kool leads in prayer for the Schenkels and for Monroe Community CRC.
- Rev. Bob Harris, whose ministerial credentials are at Alger Park, had been serving with Christian Reformed World Missions but has returned home two or three years ago. During this time. Rev. Harris has not received another call. Rev. Harris requests Classis to grant him another year in which to receive a call so that he does not forfeit his ordination. Motion is made to grant the request for one additional year. Supported. Approved.
- Classical Ministries-Dave Struyk
- Dave Struyk and Mike Hoogeboom review the five classical goals
- Karl Westerhof leads Classis, meeting in small groups, in focusing on priorities and next steps to be taken. Classical Ministries Committee collects this information.
- New Church Development-Dave Struyk
- Committee has been in conversation with Classis Grandville about starting a unique ministry south of 100th Street along the 131 corridor. Committee is looking for a “supervising” church for this potential church plant. If this is approved, the financial commitment for Classis Grand Rapids South is projected to be $60,000 over three years.
- Committee has been meeting with Strong Tower Ministries, an outreach ministry to Muslims in western Michigan which is located at 2851 Buchanan SW. Ernest Umoh serves as the tentmaking pastor for this church which is being assisted by Trinity CRC in Jenison. The New Church Development Committee recommends that Classis Grand Rapids South support them with $3,000 in 2016 with the understanding that Pastor Ernest go through the Home Missions Assessment Center and that Strong Tower Ministries investigate the development of a partnership with Home Missions. Supported. Approved.
- Committee has also met with Ricardo Taverez, a student at Calvin Seminary who is anticipating that he will be a candidate for ministry in the CRCNA in the Spring of 2016. Ricardo has a heart for church planting in the Burton Heights neighborhood. The Committee will ask Ricardo to develop a concept for this ministry. Committee will also request that Ricardo to through the Home Missions Assessment Center. In anticipation of some of the preliminary steps that need to be taken, the NCD Committee requests Classis approve up to $5,000 to be available for this investigative process for a new ministry in the Burton Heights area. Supported. Approved.
- Spiritual Growth and Prayer-Bob Boersma
- Pastors Retreat will be October 2-4, 2016.
- Congregations are encouraged to regularly emphasize prayer for those not yet committed to faith in Christ.
- Councils are encouraged to request this committee to meet with them for prayer. Contact the Classis Prayer Coordinator to make these arrangements.
- Established Church Development – Mike Hoogeboom informs Classis that information on grant requests will soon be distributed to the churches of Classis.
- Classical Ministerial Leadership Team-Stephen De Wit reminds us that students can go to the Classis website to find information and application forms for “free money.”
- Diaconal Committee – No report.
- Ann Arbor Campus Ministry – No report.
- CMU Campus Ministry – No report.
- Treasurer-Brenda Bosch presents the treasurer’s report:
- Report is through January 20, 2016.
- At this time it appears that the budgeted receipts will be met.
- The generous gift from Roosevelt Park and their legacy gifts made it possible for us to reach our budget.
- Finance Committee – No report.
- Church Visitors-Paul Sausser reports on the final legacy gift from Roosevelt Park
- Church Counselors-Bill Renkema reports on his work with Kelloggsville CRC
- Mentor reports – No reports.
- Regional Pastors – No reports.
- Committee to examine the credentials – Nothing to report
- Reports of CRCNA Ministries:
- Home Missions – No report.
- World Missions – No additional report. See minute 9a.
- World Renew – No report.
- Board of Trustees of CRCNA – No report.
- Calvin Theological Seminary – No report.
- Calvin College – No report.
- Back to God Ministries International – No report.
- Expression of Thanks. Chairperson Renkema thanks the delegates and members of Kelloggsville CRC for hosting our meeting of Classis.
- Adjournment. Motion to adjourn is made, supported and approved.
- Prayer. Chairperson Renkema leads Classis in a closing prayer.
- Next meeting of Classis will be Thursday, May 19, 2016, at LaGrave CRC beginning at 7 pm. Deadline for the agenda is April 15, 2016.